Here are a few of the feeds that I use often and a few that I found that have information about some changes to the curriculum for my classroom for next year! Our school system filters many sites from our network so I can't access You Tube for my class. However, there is a off shoot of You Tube called Teacher Tube that is available. This has educational video's from geometry to poetry. It is great for adding visual to lesson plans. The next one is a combination of TED, 100 best video's for leaders, 100 Best video's for the classroom. I included the others with TED because they have many of the TED talks on them. TED is very inspirational, informative, and useful! Here you can find the leading idea's of today. I am a total TED geek and watch them for fun! Core Knowledge was something I included because my school system is implementing this in our curriculum. While I know the basis for the Core Knowledge idea's I need to really start to investigate what this will mean in my classroom next year. This is also the reason I choose 21st Century Skills. This is going to be a topic that will sweep through my school system. I need to see what they are going to mean to my instruction. Because of the 21st Century skills requirements that are coming, our school classrooms are all being set up with Smart boards this summer. This is WONDERFUL! I included a feed that talks about lesson planning and creations of lessons using the Smart board.
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