(Symbaloo, 2010)
I have done some research this week on the different types of start pages or personalized dashboards that are available as Web 2.0 tools. The one that I really like the most is the Symbaloo.com site. I like this one because of its ease of use with students. I have seen it in action in my daughter’s science classroom. Here they do many projects and they are able to link all their research, write ups, and anything else related to their projects in one easy place where it is organized and available at home and school. I think it could be used as a resource keeper for teachers and students. Teachers can instruct students to bookmark the places on the web they have found as safe research sites for students. This can help limit unwanted sites from student searches. Like other desktop-bookmark keepers, Symbaloo can be shared with others by creating a url to share and it allows others to add the desk tops to their accounts. (Symbaloo Q&R, n.d.) This would allow students to share the information that they have collected with each other for group work that can be accessed at home as well as at school. You can add many different pages to the Symbaloo dashboards. You can have one labeled for each subject that it applies to; math, science, language arts, social studies, etc. Each holds its own set of what the student or teacher finds important or useful. I also prefer the very visual nature of the dashboard. Unlike Delicious or Google bookmarks, the Symbaloo dashboard is easily manipulated and organization and the visual elements makes finding what students are looking for very easy. There is no hunting through bookmarks, tags, etc. It is all there in one visual space. "More important, Symbaloo users can create customized walls of icons — Symbaloo calls them webmixes– tied to a specific topic" (gizmodose, 2009). I really like this tool for planning, documenting, and keeping data together.
(2010). Symbaloo F&Q. Retrived from http://www.symbaloo.com/us/faq#Desktops%20&%20icons
Gizmodose, (2009). Symbaloo brings its icon web interface from Amsterdam to America. Retrieved from http://gizmodose.com/symbaloo-brings-its-icon-web-interface-from-amsterdam-to-america.html
I like that they are considering the students safety with these Web 2.0 tool. As I was reading I kept picturing dividers like in a notebook. This tool seems to be a good organizational tool for students as well as teachers. Also keeping the student away from unwanted sites. I love the way they are making it easier for student to access all this stuff on the Internet instead of carrying all the books. I remember carrying a lot of stuff and it was bad for the back. The way it looks is appealing, easy on the eyes.